Emergency Dentistry

for ONLY $49

When You Have Sudden Severe Dental Pain, It May Be An Emergency

1.) A tooth that has been knocked out:

When a tooth is suddenly knocked out of your mouth from a heavy impact, it can be quite a shock! According to the American Association of Endodontists, it may be possible your emergency dentist will be able to reinsert and preserve your tooth if you take swift action.

  • Carefully pick up the tooth by the top, taking care not to touch the root
  • Rinse it without scrubbing
  • If possible, reinsert the tooth in the socket
  • If you can't reinsert it, place the tooth in a container of milk or water
  • Get to the dentist quickly to increase the chances of saving your tooth

2.) A persistent toothache: 

If you have a toothache that does not go away when you brush, rinse and floss, you may need emergency treatment. 
Toothaches are not just a pain you should ignore. When you experience sudden and unexplainable tooth pain, find a qualified emergency dentist to help diagnose and treat the issue.

Until you can see your dentist, try:

  • Apply a cold compress
  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater
  • Use over-the-counter pain medication to help alleviate the discomfort

3.) A filling that has fallen out

When a filling falls out, it puts the structure of the remaining tooth at risk of breaking or falling out. Or, there may be the tooth's nerves exposed, causing pain and trouble with other dental problems. See a dentist right away! 

4.) Exposed nerves:

Exposed nerves are an excruciating pain that will only worsen if you wait to see your dentist. To prevent infections, further nerve damage, or more extensive emergency dental treatments, seek immediate dental assistance as soon as possible.

5.) Swollen gums or jaw: 

It's time for immediate emergency dental treatment if your mouth or jaw suddenly becomes swollen for no apparent reason. You may have an infection, irritation to your lymph nodes, or other factors that should be treated with professional dental care.

6.) A broken or missing crown:

When a dental crown breaks or falls off, the remaining tooth structure is exposed and vulnerable to damage or infection. Emergency dental treatment to replace the crown, may extraction, or other dental procedures.

7.) Possible abscess:

A dental abscess is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition. This condition is an emergency as the infection can spread into your jaw, surrounding tissue, and other body areas. A tooth abscess may cause:

  • Fever
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Persistent toothache
  • Tender lymph nodes in your neck
  • Swelling in the face
  • A pimple-like bump on your gums near the infected tooth

8.) Severe bleeding of gums, tongue, and cheeks that does not stop

It is not normal to experience bleeding gums without any apparent cause. See your dentist right away if you're experiencing these symptoms. Although occasional gum irritation is not a dental emergency, gums that won't stop bleeding, especially if accompanied by pain and swelling, can indicate an underlying dental or health issue. 

9.) Facial Cellulitis: 

This condition may result from an abscessed tooth or plaque in the teeth that cause pain and spreads infection throughout the face. 

10.) Food or object lodged in the gums: 

When you know that something has become lodged in the gum and you cannot remove it, a visit to the emergency dentist is required to avoid damage and infection that may require more severe treatment if it is ignored and left lodged for some time.

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Causes of Emergency Dental Situations:

According to the American Dental Association, the most common cause of emergency emergencies is damage to adult/children's teeth during participation in sporting events. 

Amateurs, professionals, and even a pickup basketball game in your neighborhood can cause dental damage that requires emergency treatment.

Even while wearing protective mouth guards, damage can occur.

Another leading cause of dental injury is a car accident. While most people will be seen at a hospital following a car accident, emergency rooms do not treat tooth damage. A trip to your emergency dentist will be required. 

Unfortunately, many visits to an emergency dentist are the direct result of poor oral condition. 

When broken or cracked teeth or fillings are left unrepaired, infections develop and may eventually lead to an abscess. Once severe pain prompts an emergency dental visit for treatment to relieve pain. 

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Common Treatments for Dental Emergencies:

The correct emergency dental treatment depends on the type of injury and the situation's specifics. However, In cases of severe toothache, chips, or cracks, the emergency dentist will be sure to treat any infection and repair broken teeth. Most common emergency treatments include:

  • Root canal treatment
  • Dental filling
  • Extraction
  • Irrigation and antibiotic treatment

If a tooth has been broken, knocked loose, or completely out, the emergency dentist most commonly treats it with:

  • Dental filling
  • Root canal treatment
  • Splinting
  • Reimplantation
  • Antibiotic treatment

Transformation Dental has an emergency dentist available to help you with a dental solution for a dental problem that requires immediate treatment. 

Call Now (714) 832-2672

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