The teeth and jaw must function normally, to support your facial structure and maintain a youthful healthy appearance.
Dr. Li has the advanced technological skill and expertise to complete your full mouth restoration, with care and precision while considering your comfort at all times.
Concerned about a tooth? Don’t leave it, call for an appointment sooner rather than later!
Bridges are a natural looking dental appliance with crowns attached to replace a section of missing teeth.
Implant dentistry is our most effective, attractive and functional solution to replace missing teeth.
Transformation Dental is pleased to offer the most advanced technology and experienced placement for beautiful, functional and long-lasting results.
When bone mass is insufficient to support healthy teeth or implants a bone graft is the best solution.
Dentures are custom made prosthesis of gums and teeth fitted to your mouth when some or all of your teeth are missing.
Dr. Li and the team work hard to preserve your natural teeth. But there are times extraction is necessary. Dr. Li and the team are able to make you as comfortable as possible during and following an extraction procedure.
Dr. Li uses tooth colored composite materials to fill the cavity after decay has been removed from a tooth. This material is stronger and more attractive than metal amalgam.
Mon / Wed / Thu
8AM - 5:30PM
8AM - 5PM
(After 1PM) By appt. only
By appt. only
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